
2017 - 2018
PhD Student Online learning (Comp. Sci/Design) The ANU (AU)
2015 - 2016
Master's Digital Arts (Specialisation VFX) The ANU (AU)
2014 - 2014
Graduate Certificate Digital Arts The ANU (AU)
2011 - 2014
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering The University of Nottingham (MY)
2014 - 2014
TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Distinction) TEFLINK
2010 - 2011
Foundation in Science The University of Nottingham (MY)
Stand-alone courses/programs 2023 - 2024 ScrollTrigger Express by Creative Coding Club 2023 - 2023 GSAP3 Express by Creative Coding Club 2022 - 2023 Advanced JavaScript by UI Dev/Tyler McGinnis 2022 - 2022 Modern JavaScript by UI Dev/Tyler McGinnis 2022 - 2022 The Joy of Svelte by Jesse Skinner 2022 - 2022 Singing by Perform Australia 2022 - 2022 Acting 101 by Perform Australia 2022 - 2022 Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide by Interaction Design Foundation 2022 - 2022 User Experience: The Beginner's Guide by Interaction Design Foundation 2022 - 2022 User Experience Design Fundamentals by Joe Natoli 2022 - 2022 UX & Web Design Master Course: Strategy Design, Development by Joe Natoli 2022 - 2022 UX: The Ultimate Guide to Usability and UX by David Travis 2020 - 2021 React by UI Dev/Tyler McGinnis 2020 - 2020 The Complete Node.js Developer Course by Andrew Mead 2020 - 2020 ES6 for Everyone by Wes Bos 2018 - 2019 The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp by Andrew Mead 2018 - 2019 Developing with Elixir by The Pragmatic Studio 2017 - 2017 The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp by Stephen Grider 2018 - 2018 Vice-Chancellor's Leadership Program by The ANU 2017 - 2018 The Marketing Seminar by Seth Godin 2017 - 2017 The Principles of Teaching and Demonstrating by CHELTS, ANU


2018 - Now
ANU Research Centre for Deep History (AUD 3mil) UX/UI Developer Designed and built scrollytelling website Marking Country (MC) with interactive maps (Leaflet + SVG), GSAP. Originally built with React + Strapi; rebuilt the Centre site with WordPress and MC with Svelte - launched in Washington DC by the Australian Ambassador and ex-PM Kevin Rudd.
2018 - 2018
ANU School of Art and Design Tutor/Assistant Visual Communication course technical support for design projects.
2017 - 2018
ANU Centre for Social Research & Methods Web/Comms Officer Website design and maintenance, designed published material.
2017 - 2017
Oxide Interactive Front-end Developer Drupal templating and theming for an Austroads/NTC project.
2016 - 2016
CycleLifeHQ Front-end + UX/UI Developer Generated wireframes and UIs for Rails-based eCommerce CMS.
2015 - 2015
Intelledox Digital Business Transformation Centre Part-time assist. Created digital solutions and designed forms for the ANU.
2012 - Now
Lady of Code Freelance web dev/graphic designer Designed and built websites with databases for international clientele. Own site built with Svelte (previously React, Strapi, and WordPress).


2023 - 2024
Sign on Screen: Language, Culture, and Sign Language Designed a full brand and built the website with a custom film finder for a DECRA project on WordPress. Figma, GreenShift, AI, PS.
2023 - 2024
International Consortium of Centres for Early Modern Studies Built a brand, created associated graphics and style guide; used them to design and build an academic WordPress website.
2023 - 2023
Darren Halpin - personal academic site Designed and built a personal academic website.
2022 - 2023
Parergon - academic journal Designed and build the Parergon journal on Open Journal Systems with Figma, PHP, Smarty, and LESS.
2022 - 2023
Centre for Australian Literary Cultures visual brand Streamlined a brand direction and customised imagery.
2022 - 2023
Cyber Coven Built Cyber Coven visual brand with Shega Digital (Croatia).
2021 - 2022
Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS) Designed and built the CEMS (WordPress) website with a full visual brand and style guide.
2021 - 2021
That's What She Said Frontend for a Michael Scott lewdness detector app.
2021 - Now
100 Day Challenges 11 rounds of 100 Day Challenges. Details far below.
2018 - 2021
The Grid (Founder, personal project - Grid Labs Pty Ltd) Chat-based community management platform. Svelte, Express, Node, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Objection.js/Knex, Docker.
2022 - 2023
Execution Ballads migration Migrated the Execution Ballads site on Omeka to a new installation.
2022 - 2022
Christina Clarke - personal academic site Designed and built a personal academic website.
2009 - 2020
[Phi] Sphere I - V Gaming community website iterations: > phpBB > vBulletin > Elgg > WordPress. Customised code & UI artwork.
2015 - 2015
Art Exhibition RAW showcase of personal photography.
2015 - 2015
Orient Partners Logo, business card, website design, WordPress site.
2014 - 2014
Colour Cloud 9 Style guide, logo, website design.
2014 - 2014
Hovercraft 2014 Advertising media (posters, banners, t-shirt) for a competition.
2013 - 2014
24H Style guide, logo, website design, WordPress site.
2013 - 2014
Final Year Project Social network website navigation and display alternatives. A research dissertation-style project on user interfaces and navigation habits.
2011 - 2014
DAG/Artifex ANU Advertising media (posters, banners), photo and video work.
2013 - 2013
The Mikado Programme and promotional poster for national play.
2013 - 2013
Internet Illumination Infographic about social media.
2012 - 2012
3D model viewer Wireframe, textures, shaders, lights, rotate, zoom, pan - OpenGL.
2013 - 2014
EnvisiCrop Crop data visualisation tool - PHP, HTML5, CSS, OpenStreetMaps.
2013 - 2014
SA (University Site) Head of Web Team. Built Student Association site using MS SharePoint.
2013 - 2014
Wealth Insider Group Built WordPress website for Wealth Insider Group financial initiatives.
2013 - 2014
Financial Youth Intelligence Designed and developed website for FYI conference. Shot secondary video footage.
2013 - 2014
Jonathan Quek Blog: ‘Asia’s Youngest Wealth Coach'. Malware removal and aesthetics.
2010 - 2011
CommTrack Insurance brokering database. VB, MS Access. Generates customised reports.
100 Days Challenges Japanese (ongoing) Self-explanatory. 格好良い! Guitar Re-learnt guitar to get further; pushed past F to power chords. Writing Wrote mostly dev/design notes for articles, and some site copy. Grid Dedicated time to the Grid project; software and business sides. Health Focused on healthy habits and prioritising my sleep. Illustration Illustration basics; gesture drawing, pespective, etc. Daily UI UIs for 100 different daily briefs from Music Learnt guitar + singing; started a new TikTok account for it. Code Worked on Postgres, TypeScript, Objection/Knex, etc. UX UX fundamentals and usability. Threejs 100 Day challenge building threejs projects and shaders.

community engagement

2009 - Now
Communities founded Atlantis (tech + creative, online), Artifex (creative tech, offline/in person), Digital Arts Guild (creative tech, in person), The Dragonfly Effect [Phi] (gaming guild; running since 2009). Established and managed 100+ member communities, set up a full studio, led projects and international teams.
Workshops Taught Svelte, Sveltekit, Three.js, GSAP, GraphQL, WordPress, Gatsby, fractal art, Illustrator, Photoshop, AfterEffects, photography. Started Frontend Faction (teaching & mentoring front-end design & dev). Designed and taught Moonside: a 9-workshop course - technical skills to launch side projects from scratch. Includes branding, building web pages, marketing, onboarding, user engagement, marketing, etc.
Social events Organised hackathons, photowalks, movie/game nights, trips, etc.


2012 - 2014
Nottingham Advantage Award Extracurricular career and personal development modules.
2013 - 2013
Industrial Prize (Hilti Group) Best team implementation of agile development practices and software.
2013 - 2013
School of Computer Science Prize Best team dynamics and project handling.
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